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Forum Posts

How to inspect the in-memory Activiti H2 database?

I'm just getting started using Activiti, and I'd like to be able to examine the contents of the in-memory H2 database as I run my workflows. How can I do so? Is it possible using a tool like Squirrel? If so, what do I use as a URL, user, password, et...

kcassell by Champ in-the-making
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Editar perfil de usuário

Boa tarde,Necessitamos editar os perfis de usuários já existentes retirando algumas possibilidades ou ações que são possibilitadas para cada tipo de perfil, exara o perfil coordenador, gostariamos de retirar as opções de mover para / copiar para.Onde...

Declaring records by using CMIS

Hi there,with the new 2.1 RM release it should be possible to declare records by using CMIS. Does anybody have already some kind of documentation or how to on that?

thestorm by Champ in-the-making
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ERROR - Alfresco Audit Analysis and Reporting Plugin (A.A.A.R.)

Hello everyone,I am trying to install the Alfresco Audit Analysis and Reporting Plugin (A.A.A.R.) version 4.5 on Pentaho 7.0 and I get an error.Reviewing the error log shows the following line:2016-12-15 17:16:42,054 ERROR [org.pentaho.di] 2016/12/15...

joseph by Confirmed Champ
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Visualizações de arquivos por grupo

Bom dia,Existe alguma configuração onde um grupoA que tenha acesso a mesma pasta de um grupoB somente consiga visualizar os documentos do grupoA, consecutivamente o grupoB somente visualize os documentos do grupoB.Porem, ambos teriam o direito de coo...

Notificação por e-mail

Bom dia,Verificando a regra de envio de notificação por e-mail quando ocorrido alguma ação em uma pasta, vi que é possível acrescentarmos um grupo, ou pessoas responsáveis por receber essas notificações, um assunto e uma mensagem padrão.Necessito que...

Consumer can add Comments

How can I define the user or group with the rol "Consumer" in a site can add comments???I need That users only read documents and Add comments.How can i create new Role with this costomizations???I appreciate your response.

magico by Champ in-the-making
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Conversion Outlook email to PDF

Hi,I have a special requirement.I would like to convert the documents that are added to Alfresco in PDF files.The file types are Word, Excel, Powerpoint and outlook messages.The converter works correctly for Work, Excel and Powerpoint.But, for the ou...

pperee by Champ in-the-making
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403 Access Denied TomCat - Serveur prod Alfresco

Bonjour,J'ai repris récemment une installation d'Alfresco sur nos serveurs car nous avons besoin de requêter les données SolR présentes sur celui-ci.Cependant, nous avons un problème d'accès avec les identifiants via l'api solr d'Alfresco. en effet, ...

msaunier by Champ in-the-making
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Update document properties when a new version is uploaded

Hello,I would like to update document description only when user upload a new version of a document.I don't know which file i have to modify, I suppose create-new-version.get.js but i'm not really sure.Could you tell me whick file i have to update to...

crono40 by Champ on-the-rise
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