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Forum Posts

the question of API

I read acitviti user guide and copy "Task task = taskService.createTaskQuery().singleResult();taskService.complete(task.getId()); "from user guide. I make a workflow and start it. The workflow has been finished successfully. but there are some error ...

yhxjldx by Champ in-the-making
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Désactiver les tags

Bonjour à tous,Ma question est extrêmement simple, je souhaiterai désactiver la création et l'affichage des tags comme si cette fonctionnalité n'avait jamais été implantée dans Alfresco. Pensez vous que cela soit possible et si oui comment ?

balou by Champ in-the-making
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Le boite du dialog d' ExecuteScriptAction

bonjourDepuis qlqe jours j'ai installé un composant sous alfresco share 4.0.d qui permet de choisir et exécuter des fichiers script sous dictionnaire de données/Scripts à partir du lien suivant

mynos86 by Champ in-the-making
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Is it possible to not grant all mysql permissions?

When configuring Alfresco 3 or 4 with MySQL as the database backend, the documentation all states you do this to create the database and alfresco user:mysql> CREATE DATABASE alfresco;mysql> CREATE USER 'alfresco'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY '<password>...

Online edit hides all files from a directory?!?!?!

Hi all,we're using Share as a collaboration platform and we ran into a strange behavior. We looked everywhere, but couldn't find a solution so a post here is in order.The problem is that when someone starts Online Editing (without checking out the do...

domagoj by Champ in-the-making
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Drupal Alfresco Migration

Hi All,I have existing drupal site and wanted to do data migration to Alfresco 4.0. Can you help me on how to do this?

blacknight by Champ in-the-making
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FTP Port Bind on Installation

Hi All, I loved the look of alfresco and since I had just got myself a VPS I thought yes why not make my life easier downloaded the community 4.0uploaded to VPSexecuted on easyPlease choose a port number to use for the integrated Alfresco FTP server...

bonmaklad by Champ in-the-making
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External Form Rendering (What is the alternative in 5.8?)

Hi,I just want to display the value of some process variables on a from that appears within a User Task. I am using Activiti 5.8 with the bundled Activiti Explorer.I tried putting a vote.form in my bar archive and referenced it in my user task like t...

swapnonil by Champ in-the-making
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Site-Dashboard im Multi-Tenant (Mandanten) nur 1x aufrufbar

Hallo ZusammenIch habe Probleme beim Aufrufen vom Site Dashboard. Dieser kann nach dem Neustart vom Server nur einmal aufgerufen werden.Der eigentliche Aufruf und auch die URL dazu wäre diese:/share/page/site/projekt-z/dashboard‍Allerdings wird diese...

codestorm by Champ in-the-making
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Activiti Cycle

Hello,I saw in the architecture drawing that the collaboration tool is called Activiti Cycle. Where can I find Activiti Cycle in order to download?Please help to a newcomer.Best regards,Kálmán

kalman by Champ in-the-making
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