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Forum Posts

Initiating automated workflow for pooled review

Hi,     I have created a workspace test.     Defined two subgroups under test 1) pending approval 2) publish.     Group user Linux has been added as contributor for pending approval space.     Group sysadmin has been added as coordinator and contribu...

Content Transform API

Hi,I wanted to know which API is called inside alfresco while transforming a content.Another thing that i was curious about was that like the way in which a transformation rule acts on the content of a folder, is it possible to apply the same transfo...

akash066 by Champ in-the-making
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'Kürzlich geänderte Dokumente' zeigt nur 'Laden....'

Hallo Forumsgemeinde,als Alfreco-Neuling  kämpfe ich noch so mit der einen und anderen Tücke des System..Seit kurzem zeigt mir der Bereich "Kürzlich geänderte Dokumente"  nur den Hinweis "Laden…"Das aber ausdauernd, egal wie lange ich warte.Im Bereic...

sameds by Champ in-the-making
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How to Transform and Copy to Same Folder

In Alfresco 4.0, how can I define a rule to Transform and Copy Content (already exists) but using the same source's folder as destination?Currently the "Transform and Copy Content" asks for a specific folder to export files.

jonvargas by Confirmed Champ
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Invitation accept error

I am testing out a fresh install of alfresco (version 4.2.a).  Email notifications are working, but when I click the link in the email to accept the invitation, it fails with the following error on the page (this is for a registered user btw)rocessin...

jdyer by Champ in-the-making
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Dynamic rendering of fields in a form

Hi all,My question is more or less in the title, I added a new data type in my data model.<type name="moi:montype">  <title>titre type</title>  <parent>cm:content</parent>  <mandatory-aspects>    <aspect>moi:monaspect</aspect>  </mandatory-aspects&g

fop6316 by Champ in-the-making
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Two GETs instead of a GET and a POST...?

Hi, folks –This helpful file-upload example …… has an upload.get.desc.xml description and and an  I think this means that the first one requests the upload form, and ...

oofdachile by Champ in-the-making
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Nodes not getting created

Hi,I've been running into an issue for a while now, but it's rather difficult to explain.I guess it's similar to the issue described in the post below but as mine isn't CMIS related I wanted to open a new thread.

Hide Alfresco share Header Menus

Hi,I want to hide Header Menus in a particular page for example(task-edit page) and show every where.How can i achieve this.Thanks,Rajshekar.

rajshekar by Champ in-the-making
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