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Modification d'un fil RSS dashlet

Bonjour à tous,Lors de la création d'un utilisateur celui-ci à un lien erroné dans son dashlet RSS qui se met par défaut. J'aimerais changer ce lien brisé qui se met par défaut à la création de l'utilisateur.Je pensais que c'etais dans ce répertoire:...

alexandref by Champ in-the-making
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Save Variables without completing Task

Hello,I want to save entered Values of an Task, without completing it. This so far can be achieved by calling runtimeservice.setVariable()In my XHTML files, im binding the form-fields directly to the processVariableMap, so a call to businessProcess.c...

dognose by Champ in-the-making
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Hi,Are there any way of returning the values retrieved by opencmis as JSON ?F.ex when you do a CmisObject object = session.getObject(objectId);Is there any way of parsing this to a JSON object? Anyone know anything about this?Frank

frankb by Champ in-the-making
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Autenticazione con un servizione esterno custom

Ciao a tutti,ho notato che alfresco permette l'autenticazione con i sistemi:- LDAP- CAS Server- OpenSSO- KerberosMa io ho un servizio di autenticazione custom. Come posso interfacciare alfresco con questo? Ci sono delle classi da implementare?E l'ext...

How to programmatically create space?

Hello,Can anybody please suggest me how to programmatically (java) create space under companyHome? A sample code will be of great help!Thanks,Amit.

amit_wmw by Champ in-the-making
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Doing a case insensitive search for Path

I am trying to do a lucene search based on a path, but I need it to do a case insensitive search for path.If I have a directory path /app:company_home/st:sites/cm:mySpace/cm:Test, I can do a lucene search withPATH:"/app:company_home/st:sites/cm:mySpa...

pchoe by Champ in-the-making
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deployment didn't put process definition in the cache

HelloI am trying to deploy a process definition, not from a BPML file, but from a ProcessDefinitionEntity that I created programmatically. When I test deploying my process, creating an instance of it, listing and completing tasks, all in the same sta...

Web-Script search - sort the search by custom content fields

Is it possible to use the Web-script search to perform a search and to get back the result sorted by custom content fields ? We only where able to run such a search and to sort the result by the "Standard fields" but not to sort by own defined custom...

wmay by Champ in-the-making
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Urgent - production deployment option?

Hi Team,We have a workflow that needs to be deployed everytime there is a change to the workflow.  Usually, if we have activiti explorer we can deploy the bar file as needed.  But, we are not using the explorer in our project.  Option 1).  specify th...

kethur by Champ in-the-making
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Zombie association after deleting nodeRef

Hi,I am now working on a local project based on Alfresco 4.0.c community version. Everything goes well except deleting function.  And the error can be reproduced like below steps:1)I defined one to many association between type A and type B. 2)I crea...

alex_chew by Champ in-the-making
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