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Forum Posts

Running Activiti Explorer (5.13) with JBoss5.1 EAP

Hello,to have the latest activiti explorer (from activiti version 5.13) running on your jboss5.1EAP, you have to do following:1. copy 'activity-explorer.war' to deploy folder2. add new file: 'jboss-classloading.xml' into the 'WEB-INF' folder inside t...

jeisen by Champ in-the-making
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Instalación Alfresco Enterprise con el wizard

Hola. Voy a instalar la version 4.1 de Alfresco Enterprise pero la bbdd es Oracle y está en otro servidor. ¿Si la instalación se hace desde el setup wizard indicándoles que no instale Postgresql, qué habría que indicarle en la instalación para que fu...

joporo by Champ in-the-making
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workflow model

Hello everybody,I have one question , In workflow model can I define parent of custom type to be "wf:adhocTask" ? for example <type name="cus:userTask">   <parent>wf:adhocTask</parent>   <properties>       <property name="cus:userTaskName">          ...

fararjeh by Champ in-the-making
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Difference between setProperties and addProperties in nodeService?

Is there any? From what I see (with regards to performance) there is none.Basically, I see no difference in number of inserts into the DB, when I use one or the other. I'd expect addProperties to only insert properties that I've actually set, and all...

lista by Star Contributor
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Alfresco context load time

Hi folks,I have downloaded the SDK in 4.2d version.I configured a new project (with First JCR examlpe as basis) and when i put it to run in eclipse the alfresco's context takes more than 10 minutes to get ready.My machine is not so bad… it is a core ...

thiagogjt by Champ in-the-making
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Utente esterno

Salve a tutti,sto usando Alfresco Share e sono arrivato ad un problema che non riesco a risolvere:se invito un utente esterno, con profilo consumatore, abilitandolo solo su un Sito, è vero che lui entrando non vedrà gli altri siti, ma se entra dal me...

nat_macri by Champ in-the-making
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Job Executor - class loader problem

Hello,I have problem using Job Executor in OSGi environment.I have following diagram:… -> [TimerCatchingEvent] -> [UserTask] -> …‍‍‍User task has an associated listener. If I use timer events, then job executor could not instantiate my listener (it c...

Previsualización de documentos en Share

Hola,estoy usando la versión Alfresco Enterprise 1.4.5 y la previsualización de documentos en Chrome (Versión 29.0.1547.76 m) no funciona bien. Lo que se muestra es un número "1" encima del texto. Sin embargo, en IE y FireFox se visualizan bien.Por o...

werner by Champ in-the-making
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logger in script

Hello,I am trying to run a rule by executing a script, and in the script i am trying to use the root object logger and calling the method log.Unfortunatly i can't see those logs anywhere when i run the script:This is the 1 line script for nowlogger.l...