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Forum Posts

Notifications du calendrier

Bonjour,je souhaiterai utiliser Alfresco comme une plateforme collaborative et informer les membres lors de la création d'un événement. Est-il  possible de lier l'envoi d'un mail à la création d'un événement ou à sa modification? 

d-o122 by Champ in-the-making
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visualizzare in una webapp un documento

Ciao e scusate forse la domanda stupida....ho necessità di creare una pagina web con i link al download di alcuni documenti caricati in alfresco(e fino a qui tutto ok) ma nello stesso tempo avere una preview o estratto delle prime 50 parole di questi...

katzu by Champ in-the-making
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4.2.c I want modify the login page to add a check box

Hi All I am trying out 4.2.c, I want to customise the login page to add a check box[ some read me links], which when user clicks only he able to login.I need advice in modifying the loing page to add the check box. I have searched the system for the ...

bisana by Champ on-the-rise
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cartella dati postgresql

Ho installato in una macchina virtuale debian 9 (virtualbox) alfresco community "201707 ga release" e postgresql 9.6.Sulla macchina che funziona come host ho windows server 2008; vorrei lasciare il programma postgresql sulla macchina debian ma la car...

croceverde by Champ in-the-making
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AWS Quick Start for Alfresco Process Services Is Now Available!

{{Obsolete Content}}   Please Note: This Alfresco AWS QuickStart is no longer available. Please use this page to trial Alfresco Process Services and this page to learn how to deploy on AWS.   Alfresco is happy to announce the availability of the sec...

rallegre by Star Contributor
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Online editing Mac Office 2011

We use Alfresco 5.2 with AOS and a SSL connection. We have a user who uses macOS High Sierra version 10.13.1  and Office: 2011 for Mac version 14.0.0. (Browsers: firefox, chrome and safari).The feature "edit online" works perfectly when using a Windo...

nmari by Champ in-the-making
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Reflecting on my Time at Alfresco

After 8 great years at Alfresco, it is natural to explore new roles. Over the last few months I slowly made the decision to join a friend’s company near my home town. I will be leaving Alfresco Software at the end of March 2018. This is a good opport...

resplin by Elite Collaborator
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existing property changed to hold multiple values

Hi,I have a property defined in my content model as a text. The declaration is as below.         <property name="custom:bookTitle">             <title>Book Title</title>             <type>d:text</type>        </property>‍‍‍‍‍‍Deploying the current co...

romschn by Star Collaborator
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