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Consola de administración (4.2e)

He instalado la versión 4.2e Community de Alfresco. En Share, en las opciones de administración, se dice que muchas de las herramientas encontradas anteriormente en la consola de administración de Share se han movido ahora a la nueva consola de admin...

mllopis by Champ in-the-making
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Custom Role

I have a question.I need to design a screen through which can browse a bpmn 2.0 file and deploy the process. This is perfectly fine and am able to do the same.before starting the process, how to retrieve all the activities (user task, sub process, em...

Interdependent reference between two models

I've coded two model files. For some associations both models have reference to a type in the other file. Also I updated depends-on tag (one model depends on the other) of beans in context file (I know depends-on tag refers to bean which is already c...

ScriptTask + TimerBoundaryEvent

Hi,I have a simple Activiti diagram with a ScriptTask and a TimerBoundaryEvent.You can see my diagram if you open this url: first task is a ScriptEvent task. In this task (I use JavaScript) I would li...

soma by Champ in-the-making
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Alfresco Mobile Android building with eclipse

Hi all,I have a problem building alfresco mobile android tag version 1.3.1I'm using Eclipse with m2e plugins and connection with Maven.I did install Maven latest version, mvn install the maven-android-sdk-deployer, and imported the alfresco-android-s...

Integración Alfresco Share con Thunderbird con imap

Buenas tardes, estoy intentando utilizar alfresco como almacén de correos integrándolo con Thunderbird. En un principio todo ha ido bien, he configurado una nueva cuenta con imap, he creado un nuevo sitio en alfresco como imap por defecto, etc. Sin e...

mhoyosga by Champ in-the-making
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Set attributes in read only mode

Hello everybody,In my project I've been looking for a solution to set some attributes in read only mode in the "share-config-custom.xml" file, after search I found this solution I want to share with you. You always need to write read-only="true" afte...

isaacrojas by Champ in-the-making
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Coordinates of Nodes in a Diagram Layout are Sometimes not correct if labes are attached to the Connections

We are using the Activiti Engine library 5.13 for executing workflows. We use the DiagramLayout for retrieving the coordinates of the currently running activities with the following codeublic List<DiagramNode> getActivityCoordinates(String wfId) {  R...

k0k0pelli by Champ in-the-making
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