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Forum Posts

Best practices : Limites Alfresco / Arborescence conseillée

Bonjour,Dans le cadre d’un projet, nous implémentons Alfresco Enterprise - v4.2.1.L’accès à Alfresco (upload de fichiers, création de dossiers…) se fait uniquement via webservice (CMIS : /alfresco/service/).Nous estimons avoir environ un million de d...

mathieu by Champ in-the-making
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Protocolo alfresco-sharepoint

Hola amigos, he visto que alfresco tiene un protocolo para poder acceder a servidores sharepoint.Mi pregunta es la siguiente: ¿Este protocolo funciona en sentido opuesto también? ¿Hay alguna form de acceder a alfresco utilizando sharepoint?Gracias de...

macsebos by Champ in-the-making
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some errors after installation

Hi,I installed Alfresco Community 4.2.e on an Ubuntu 12.04 server using mySQL. I found a manual for installation using mySQL ( appears to be working ok, but I get some war...

problème de déploiement CMIS

Bonjour,Je suis actuellement le tuto de JPottsà où je rencontre un problème c'est lorsque je fait cette commande:mvn exec:java -Dexec.mainClass="com.perf.cmis...

lemizo by Champ in-the-making
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Alfresco 4.2 azzerare contatore campo ID (protocollo)

Ciao ragazzi…Su un sito Alfresco che gestisce la protocollazione, di cui mi sto personalmente occupando, già implementato su un cliente tempo addietro non riesco a resettare il contatore del protocollo.Mi spiego meglio..Chi l'ha ideato, ha messo una ...

angelo83 by Champ in-the-making
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Road Map

Would those responsible please update the product roadmap and especially that for the cloud. We don't have access to the Jira issues and recent discussions with support suggest that the roadmap is signifi...

by Not applicable
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Selezione forzata per pubblicazione contenuti

Salve a tutti, in azienda si sta pensando di passare ad alfresco per la gestione di quelli che sono tutti i contenuti aziendali. Tra questi esistono anche dei contratti stipulati con i nostri clienti.Avendo una anagrafica di clienti (su mssql server)...

f_galati by Champ in-the-making
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Wraped Exception

Bonjour,tout d'abord je suis tout nouveau sur le forum, donc je ne suis pas encore bien roder, alors si le problème que j'ai à déjà été posté ou si je suis dans la mauvaise section n'hésiter à me le signaler.Voilà mon problème.Je viens juste d'instal...

naas79 by Champ in-the-making
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getUserTransaction vs getNonPropagatingUserTransaction

The non-propagating (REQUIRES_NEW) ensures that the transaction is always new. I supose that the problem using the getUserTransaction is that if the transaction is already running, and I use that, may appears a concurrency problem. But using always a...

spilby by Confirmed Champ
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ConcurrencyFailureException: Failed to update node

I'm using Alfresco Enterprise v4.1.6I create a new node and then modify some properties of the parents doing a getNodeService().addProperties.Sometimes, this addProperties fails and give me a org.springframework.dao.ConcurrencyFailureException: Faile...

spilby by Confirmed Champ
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