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Forum Posts

Get groups/roles of current user with Public Java API

Hi folks,maybe you can help me again: The use-case is, that I've to check whether the current user belongs to a pre-defined group or pre-defined role. This should happen in a Java written behaviour class.I've found already a few approches (like: http...

itzamna by Confirmed Champ
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WMF file preview thumbnail generation problem

I have been working towards deploying Alresco in our environment and have hit a stumbling block with WMF files showing a preview. It seems imagemagik is working properly generating psd and other file thumbs for for some reason I cant get WMF thumbs t...

lowtopp by Champ in-the-making
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activiti designer integrate with java spring

Hello,I'm new in activiti designer . I installed activiti designer in eclipse and I have some questions . First ,Do I need install Activiti Explorer ? Do I need database for activiti? I have a class with implements JavaDelegate , and I have a process...

letiti by Champ in-the-making
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Highlight Menu bar in Share

Hi,I have a small requirement in Alfresco-Share development. I'm using 4.0.e community version. My requirement is , In Share I configured my custom menu called "i-search" in menu bar. Now I want it to be highlighted with color when user is in that Pa...

dsr471 by Champ on-the-rise
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Upgarde to Alfresco 5 - wmf and emf files no longer display

Hi thereWhen using the inbuilt image capabilities of Alfersco 4 CE we were able to generate thumbnails of wmf files.However, with Alfresco 5 CE, we are unable toI have noticed when running the following./convert -versionVersion: ImageMagick 6.8.6-6 2...

linuxyeti by Champ in-the-making
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Javascript get Path of document

Hello!How can I read the path, where a document are uploaded?I want to set a rule, where a script is started, after upload.But I need the path in the script.Thank you!

fohnbit by Champ in-the-making
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Good Morning!I am trying to determine what SSO with IMAP looks like.We have a 4.2f CE environment in which SSO with kerberos against AD appears to be working well.  We can have we browsers go to and

dbiggins by Star Contributor
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Category could not be saved

Hi,I've set up Alfresco (with Linux) succesfully and created a user with admin rights. Unfortunately I can't add a new category. Alfresco says:"Category could not be saved". I can't see any error in the log files.Can someone help me?Best,Gabi

gabi by Champ in-the-making
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admin-console webscripts and surf development mode

Hello,while creating a small admin-console webscript I discoverd that this is not possible using the surf developer configuration:          <autowire>            <!– Pick the mode: "production" or "development" –>            <mode>development</mode> ...

Listas de Datos y E-Mail

Hola a todos,soy novato en esto de Alfresco pero ya he creado mi primera Lista de Datos personalizada y ahora me gustaría enviar un e-mail cada vez que se crea o actualiza una registro. Quiero que en el correo aparezca la información contenida en ese...

chumifus by Champ in-the-making
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