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Forum Posts

Automate requests form

Hi, I am new to activiti, recently installed it.  I would like to know if the the following is doable:1. Create a form where all users are able to access and submit request details. it shall have texts fields and dates.2. an admin user shall recieve ...

fatema by Champ on-the-rise
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Using a custom User and AuthZ provider

I would like to use my custom user store and Authorization mechanism instead of Activiti's. I see in the user guide where this is addressed, however are there any examples anyone can recommend that would provide a more concrete demonstration? I would...

ActivityExecution flush a variable immediately

Hello,I extended the class TaskActivitiyBehavior to write a own task. In the method "public void execute(ActivityExecution execution)" I changed a variable and started a new thread which should access the the changed variable.execution.getVariable("A...

mpriess by Champ in-the-making
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Add new app to my Activiti Landing page

I am using the online Activiti Kickstart tool with the step editor to create a process model. I am able to create a process, create an app definition and then include my process in that App definition and publish it.When I go to my landing page and c...

davidgreen by Champ in-the-making
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Expose Modeler Functionality in 15.7.0

In older versions of activiti (like 15.6.3) i used to open "Activiti Modeler" in my web application, by overlaying "activiti-webapp-explorer2.war" to my web application and adding these parts of "activiti-webapp-explorer2"s web.xml to my web.xml:<!– ...

mf by Confirmed Champ
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Assigning human tasks based on domains

Activiti assigns human tasks to user, group or both. But I have a need to further filter the assignment by another dimension say geography. How could that be achieved?e.g. Sales quote approvals should always go to SalesManager group for approval. But...

udaya1 by Champ in-the-making
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Date format for Activiti Rest Query

What is the appropriate date format for query in activiti-rest calls?I keep getting the error below, and i have tried, different date formats.{"errorMessage":"The given value for query-parameter 'startedAfter' is not a valid date: 2013-04-03T23:45Z",...

softcoder by Champ in-the-making
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We are generating only Process Definetion Ids and we are not using Buisiness Key Column.In above case Can we drop the ACT_UNIQ_HI_BUS_KEY  on the ACT_HI_PROCINST table. Could you please tell us the impact of dropping this function index ?

sakumar1 by Champ in-the-making
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