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Backup script?

Champ on-the-rise
Champ on-the-rise
Hello, i am willing to setup a cronjob to daily backup my alfresco repository.

I think it could be interesting to integrate this shell script with the default install, so that anyone can do the same easily.

It seems (after reading th backup page in the wiki) that just one mysql dump operation is needed, and then a simple file copy operation. All mysql binaries are included in alfresco distribution, so it should be easy.

What cammand line should do the job to :
* dump all of the alfresco database
* restore from that file to the database
(sorry, i am not very good at command line mysql operations Smiley Happy )

The dir.root mentioned in the wiki is the /alf_data/ directory?

Thank you

Champ on-the-rise
Champ on-the-rise
does anybody know how to do that?

please 🙂

backuping and restoring to/from a sql file in the alf_data directory with included binaries?

Star Contributor
Star Contributor
MySQL dump and load can be performed in its simplest form as follows:

dump: mysqldump -u alfresco –password=alfresco alfresco > alfresco.dmp

load: mysql -u root –password=root alfresco <alfresco.dmp
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