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auditsurf & alfresco authentication chain

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Hi all,
I have installed audit surf v.1.1.0 with alfresco 3.2r2 and it work well.

I have a little problem:

audit suft authenticate only the alfresco user

My alfresco authentication is configured as:

authentication.chain=alfrescoNtlm1:alfrescoNtlm,passthru1Smiley Tongueassthru

is possible to configure AuditSurf with the same autthentication chain?

thank in advice

Champ on-the-rise
Champ on-the-rise

You have to configure AuditSurf the same way you did for Share.

You probably have to edit the web.xml file (in the Surf application) :
     <filter-name>Authentication Filter</filter-name>

     <filter-name>Authentication Filter</filter-name>
     <filter-name>Authentication Filter</filter-name>
     <filter-name>Authentication Filter</filter-name>

Add  override endpoints into the webscript-framework-config.xml file :
   <!– Overriding endpoints to reference an Alfresco server with NTLM filter enabled –>
   <!– NOTE: the NTLM Authentication Filter must be enabled for both repository and web-tier web.xml –>
   <!– NOTE: if utilising a load balancer between web-tier and repository cluster, the "sticky –>
   <!–       sessions" feature of your load balancer must be used when NTLM filter is active –>
   <config evaluator="string-compare" condition="Remote">
            <name>Alfresco Connector</name>
            <description>Connects to an Alfresco instance using cookie-based authentication</description>

            <name>Alfresco - user access</name>
            <description>Access to Alfresco Repository WebScripts that require user authentication</description>
