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Aspect to add child spaces to a space

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Hi everyone, I'm a newbie.

I would like to understand if it is possible to add child spaces to a space simply applying an aspect to it from Web UI.

I don't mean to define an association to have a child of some type. Let's have an example:
- I created 'Folder1' space and I would like to give the aspect of a 'Gallery'; so applying this aspect 'Folder1' should have two child folders called 'Images' and 'Videp'

I can obtain this behaviour using templates, but I would like to automatize the creation of Galleries.

I learnt how to create custom Aspects and I saw how properties with default values could be assigned with them.
Could it be possible to associate something like a template model to the Aspect?

Thanks in advance,

Star Contributor
Star Contributor
You can define associations in aspects, but you will still need to write the code to create the nodes on the end of the associations - it is not automatic. You can write a Rule that executes a custom Java action to do this now. In Alfresco 2.1 you will be create/add child associations and nodes using the JavaScript API - so you will be able to write a rule that adds the aspect and create the associated nodes in JavaScript no problem. The JavaScript API for this is in HEAD or the nightly build now.

