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Archived eclipse plugin does not work.

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Hi I am currently working on a project and trying to get all the codes from the SVN to set it up. I am facing the following issue.

The new activity engine does not recognize the *.bpmn20.xml file but expects the *.bpmn extension. The problem is the latest eclipse (Indigo) and the plugin from the site work together but since the codebase is old and I am stuck to using the old version.

I have installed eclipse(Helios) and I am trying to install the plugin "" which is the older version. The problem which I face while trying to install is it says "site not found", when I use help –> Install New Software….

I checked the eclipse log file and it says the following.

MESSAGE No repository found at jar:file:/C:/software_dumps/!/.

Please help.

Star Contributor
Star Contributor

I don't understand your point about the new Activiti Designer. Why can't you use that version?
Did you try to unzip the archived zip file first?

Best regards,

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Hi Tijs,
           Thanks for your response. The activiti version that I am using is old version and for that reason I cannot use the latest.

           Coming to the problem. I downloaded the above zip from the archives and put it locally on my machine. I used the option

          Help –> Install New Software

          There I added this new site by choosing the location and "archive" button. This is when the error appears.

         I did unzip the archived the zip file but just to investigate that it has right set of files, eclipse does not give option to install it from the    exploded form.

           I even tried to extract all the jar files from features and plugins folders and put it into the eclipse dropins folder but that also does not work as expected, since it has a site.xml and of course it needs to resolve the dependency.

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
AAAAh, just figured it.

Archive option does not work. So what I did is unzipped the zipped plugin it created a site folder. Created a folder eclipse-activiti-plugin and put this site folder inside it. so that the structure became like below.


The to add the site from eclipse. I used help –> install new software –> add –> local ( and navigated to the site folder, do not select archive option here, that has problems)

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Thx, I just found this entry but it took me whole day stupidly following the User Guide and installing all eclipses available but ended always with the same error.

Just a hint: update the User Guide …

Star Contributor
Star Contributor

It's just fine to use the new Activiti Designer with an older version of Activiti.
There's nothing changed in the core elements between 5.8 and 5.9.
Just be sure to not use things like signals and event sub processes.

Best regards,