08-20-2007 08:59 AM
04-24-2011 04:37 AM
Hi all
Anyone considered RTL for Share (struggling with it now :x )
04-24-2011 04:39 AM
Hi all
(Since Explorer does not offer the features that Share offers' for users)
04-25-2011 11:23 AM
06-20-2011 04:26 AM
06-21-2011 05:20 AM
Hi Friends,
Me also, i am planning to improve the Arabic package, it should include in addition to the words translation, the Right to Left layout which should be added without affecting the left to fight languages on the same installed alfresco.
If anyone is interested in cooperation, i would be thankful.
<%@ page import="javax.faces.context.FacesContext" %>
FacesContext fc2 = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();
String layoutLanguage = Application.getLanguage(fc2).toString();
<%@ page import="javax.faces.context.FacesContext" %>
FacesContext fc2 = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();
String layoutLanguage = Application.getLanguage(fc2).toString();
if(layoutLanguage.equals("ar_JO")) {
<script type="text/javascript" src="<%=request.getContextPath()%>/scripts/jquery.min.js">
<script type="text/javascript" src="<%=request.getContextPath()%>/scripts/for-ar.js">
jQuery(function () {
var oldLink = jQuery(this).attr("src");
var newLink = oldLink.replace("/images","/images-ar");
jQuery.each(jQuery("*").get().reverse(), function (i) {
var backgroungImg = jQuery(this).css("background-image");
var textalign = jQuery(this).css("text-align");
var leftPadding = jQuery(this).css("padding-left");
var rightPadding = jQuery(this).css("padding-right");
var leftBorderWidth = jQuery(this).css("border-left-width");
var rightBorderWidth = jQuery(this).css("border-right-width");
var leftMargin = jQuery(this).css("margin-left");
var rightMargin = jQuery(this).css("margin-right");
var floatVal = jQuery(this).css("float");
var align = jQuery(this).attr("align");
if (backgroungImg != "none")
var newValue = backgroungImg.replace("/images","/images-ar");
if (jQuery.browser.msie == false || jQuery.browser.msie == undefined) {
if (textalign == "left") {jQuery(this).css({'text-align': 'right'});}
else if (textalign == "right"){jQuery(this).css({'text-align': 'left'});}
if (floatVal == "left") {jQuery(this).css({'float': 'right'});}
else if (floatVal == "right"){jQuery(this).css({'float': 'left'});}
if (align == "left") {jQuery(this).attr("align","right")}
else if (align == "right") {jQuery(this).attr("align","left")}
if (rightPadding != leftPadding)
if (rightMargin != leftMargin)
jQuery(this).css("margin-left", rightMargin);
jQuery(this).css("margin-right", leftMargin);
if (leftBorderWidth != rightBorderWidth)
jQuery(this).css("border-left-width", rightBorderWidth);
jQuery(this).css("border-right-width", leftBorderWidth);
<%– JQuery Call–%>
String layoutLanguage = Application.getLanguage(fc).toString();
if(layoutLanguage.equals("ar_AR")) {
<script type="text/javascript" src="<%=request.getContextPath() %>/scripts/jquery.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="<%=request.getContextPath() %>/scripts/for-ar.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
$("body").css("background-position","right top");
07-17-2011 06:38 AM
07-25-2011 06:15 AM
Dear Al-Modhafar,
I am very thankful for your efforts in writing this and your invention in this domain, i will check it later, benefit of it and give my comments and recommendations in God Well!
Thank you very much bro.
02-15-2012 07:25 AM
04-03-2013 02:50 AM
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