This is quite hard to explain; but I'll give it a try 😉
We integrated activiti in a spring project as a workflow engine; and used the historyService for building a 'show process history user interface' (see screenshots).
Activiti serviceTasks call our own springbeans with a seperate object model. This object model and the activiti history object model are integrated in this 'show process history user interface'. The link between the activiti history object model and our object model is made based on simple mapping tables containing: PROCESS_INST_ID, EXECUTION_ID, TASK_ID and PrimaryKeyOurObjectModel.
The problem is now; when looping within a process (executing the same serviceTask again); the PROCESS_INST_ID, EXECUTION_ID and TASK_ID are identical for the first and second time a certain serviceTask is executed; only our PrimaryKeyOurObjectModel will be different.
If we could change the executionId via the API; we would no longer run into this problem. Or is there an other possible way to ensure unique mapping with the historyService.