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Any plan to put alfresco main public repo on github for convienence?

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
I could only found some projects on alfresco github page,

it should be more easy to commit code fixes there.


Legendary Innovator
Legendary Innovator

although Alfresco is open source software, it is not a software that is developed in an open source "style", i.e. have a group of volunteers / unassociated developers. The code base is still actively developed and controlled by the entity Alfresco Ltd. and its employees. Community code contributions can be introduced via JIRA tickets, but I guess there won't be a direct community write access anytime soon - or "official" community collaboration branches.

As for Git in general or Github in particular:
I hope Alfresco considers migrating to Git in a mid- to longterm perspective, as it would greatly simplify applying minor local patches and subsequent upgrades of the local code base, without dependency on the Alfresco controlled SCM server (I don't know how much transfer they have to support per day).
I don't think Alfresco will ever allow the codebase of their main product to be hosted on an external service like GitHub they have limited control over and would be dependent upon.

As I am not an Alfresco employee, this is just a personal opinion / statement. Maybe Jeff Potts or someone from engineering can provide an official statement.


Star Contributor
Star Contributor
First …. While I may be an employee, I can't make "official statements" and don't intend to.   I'm not sure anyone could, even if they were inclined to.

I think the focus is upon making alfresco work well with maven first.  The next priority (IHMO) is to rework the build to break it up into smaller pieces,  that's non trivial and has been needed for a while.

As for using git AFAIK Most of the newer modules are already in "git", in particular RM and Mobile as is Activiti.    However our build master is "sceptical" about moving the main code base to git.

As for community write access, then yes you can contribute to core code via JIRA "contributions".  If that's a problem then we may be able to work something out, it does happen from time to time. However the main way of contributing is via "alfresco add ons" which are not controlled through Alfresco. 

Star Contributor
Star Contributor

Thanks for your comment. In general, I think you are right, but I have the feeling that really useful core contributions and patches currently are ignored and were not integrated in the past. For example, take the altnerative import API for javascript sources ( from Axel Faust- there are some comments one year ago, but nothing happens anymore.

The problem with the current approach is that there is no alfresco employee who is responsible for integrate and test contributions, isn´t it? I am not very satisfied with the current process of core contributions. Any ideas how to improve that?


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