When I attempt to build alfresco using the command
ant build-tomcat
the build fails. The fail message is:
c:\Documents and Settings\Owner\Desktop\Alfresco\Downloads\Alfresco\Alfresco Core\projects.xml:882: The following error occured while executing this line: c:\Documents and Settings\Owner\Desktop\Alfresco\Downloads\Alfresco\Alfresco Core\macros.xml:28: Error running c:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_21\bin\javac.exe compiler
Line 28 of macros.xml is highlighted in red, in the code snipet below.
<macrodef name="compile-java" description="Compiles Java source files in the given project">
<attribute name="projectdir" />
<attribute name="compileExcludes" default="" />
<element name="addPath" optional="yes" />
<mkdir dir="@{projectdir}/${dir.name.build}/${dir.name.classes}" />
<javac destdir="@{projectdir}/${dir.name.build}/${dir.name.classes}" fork="true"
memoryMaximumSize="${mem.size.max}" deprecation="${javac.deprecation}"
debug="${javac.debug}" target="${javac.target}" source="${javac.source}" encoding="${javac.encoding}"
excludes="@{compileExcludes}" >
<src path="@{projectdir}/${dir.name.source}/${dir.name.java}" />
<path refid="classpath.compile"/>
<path refid="classpath.compile.extension"/>
<!– To run javac with Xlint:unchecked, uncomment the line below –>
<!– <compilerarg value="-Xlint:unchecked"/> –>
Line 882 of projects.xml is highlighted in red, in the code snipet below.
<target name="package-solr"
<mkdir dir="${dir.project.solr.dist}" />
<jar jarfile="${dir.project.solr.dist}/${file.name.jar.solr}"
basedir="${dir.project.solr.classes}" />
<target name="test-solr"
<run-tests projectdir="${dir.project.solr}" />
<target name="generate-javadocs-solr"
<generate-javadocs documenttitle="Alfresco SOLR integration ${version.number}"
windowtitle="Alfresco SOLR Integration"
<!– ******************************************************************** –>
<!– ** Tomcat-virtserver Project –>
<!– ** –>
<!– ** Normally, you just want to build the various .jar files used –>
<!– ** by the virtualization server, not the virtualization server –>
I have read the other posts that relate to building Alfresco. I tried modifying macros.xml by inserting the code
<compilerarg value="-Djava.endorsed.dirs=${dir.project.3rdparty.lib}" />
as Pawan advised in an earlier post. This did not work.
I do have JDK 1.6.0_21 installed. I checked the javac is working in the command prompt.
Can you please let me know what I should do from here ?