01-24-2011 12:41 PM
01-24-2011 07:47 PM
01-25-2011 06:33 AM
01-25-2011 10:10 AM
01-26-2011 03:21 AM
<!– ****************************************************** –>
<!– **************** Deployment targets ****************** –>
<!– ****************************************************** –>
<target name="deploy-virtual-tomcat"
description="Deploys to Virtual Tomcat (the virtualization server)"
depends="init, clean-virtual-tomcat-deploy">
<deploy-virtual-tomcat location="${home.tomcat.virtual}" />
<target name="-deploy-tomcat-common" depends="init">
<available file="${home.tomcat}/common/lib" type="dir" property="tomcat5.present" />
<fail if="tomcat5.present" message="Deployment using these scripts requires Tomcat 6." />
<!– ensure mysql drivers and xalan files are present –>
<delete> # this is the line 574 where the error message is pointing
<fileset dir="${home.tomcat}/lib" # and I think here is the actual problem
excludes="${file.name.jar.mysql.connector}" />
<copy todir="${home.tomcat}/lib"
file="${dir.project.3rdparty.lib}/${dir.name.devenv}/${file.name.jar.mysql.connector}" />
<copy todir="${home.tomcat}/endorsed"
file="${dir.project.3rdparty.lib}/${dir.name.xalan}/${file.name.jar.xalan}" />
<copy todir="${home.tomcat}/endorsed"
file="${dir.project.3rdparty.lib}/${dir.name.xalan}/${file.name.jar.serializer}" />
<!– enable WCM functionality –>
<copy todir="${home.tomcat}/shared/classes/alfresco/extension"
file="${dir.project.installer}/wcm-bootstrap-context.xml" />
You should now see a link to build.xml in your Ant project. Double-click the file to see the contents. Eclipse also has several options to allow you to run targets in the file.
One way is to use the Outline window as it shows you all the targets in the project. Find the target you want to run and right click. Choose Run As > Ant build.
If you get errors because the environment variables, like TOMCAT_HOME, are not defined, then you can define them via Window > Preferences > Ant > Runtime > Properties and add env.TOMCAT_HOME
Configure Ant
In the Eclipse toolbar select Window > Preferences > Ant > Runtime > Properties
By clicking the "Add Property…" button add the following names / values:
env.TOMCAT_HOME = /usr/local/tomcat/
env.APP_TOMCAT_HOME = /usr/local/tomcat/
env.VIRTUAL_TOMCAT_HOME = /usr/local/virtual-tomcat/
04-17-2013 05:27 AM
04-17-2013 05:45 AM
04-17-2013 06:07 AM
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