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Allow group RW access to CIFS file share - Linux

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making

I've successfully setup the SMB/CIFS file share on a Linux server. However, when mounting the file share using fstab, all files only allow groups r-x access (no write access). Here's the listing in my /etc/fstab:

// /media/alfresco cifs credentials=/home/user/.smbcredentials,port=1445,dir_mode=775,gid=1003 0 0

The GID 1003 is for the group that I wish to have RWX access to the files.

The user has Manager access to all sites in Alfresco. Also, when I attempt to manually change the permissions of the mount, nothing happens. So
sudo chmod 775 -R /media/alfresco
does not change the permissions.

Interestingly the folders themselves have 775 permissions, but not the files.

Any clue how to allow group RWX access to the alfresco SMB/CIFS files?

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
I found the solution to this. I added 'file_mode=0775' to the listing in fstab. Also, as a second issue, the file mount was locking up, and adding a 'netbiosname' parameters seems to have fixed that issue. My final CIFS line in /etc/fstabs is:

// /media/alfresco cifs netbiosname=alfrescocifs,credentials=/home/user/.smbcredentials,port=1445,file_mode=0775,dir_mode=0775,uid=1002,gid=1003 0 0