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Alfresco WCM - ASR

Star Collaborator
Star Collaborator
Hi All,

Could someone please explain what Alfresco - ASR actually does in backend?

I tried deploying the content through webclinet - adding localhost as ASR to my webproject. I could see a new store named XYZlive created in nodebrowser.

Just wanted to understand, if I would have deployed it to other machine,
1. What ASR does in backend?
2. What are the artifacts would have been deployed to my machine?
3. How can I test the successful deployment?


Star Contributor
Star Contributor
1. What ASR does in backend?
It supports your live website.   Your website uses the live store for its dynamic content.

2. What are the artifacts would have been deployed to my machine?
:? whatever you tell it to deploy?

3. How can I test the successful deployment?
If the deployment report says "Success" then it deployed successfully. 😎