Hi, I'm a italian Engineering student and I've a big problem to develop a portal site. The website must be developed with Alfresco but I've no idea how to do. Can any one help me? I'm using alfresco as a .war, as portlet in Liferay. Development of this website is a little part of my project: finally I must create a website where my portlets (deployed in Liferay) must use alfresco interface. I hope I explained my problem correctly… ops:
You may use a set of custom portlets which talk to a set of custom WebScripts components in Alfresco to search, retrieve, create and edit contents on the Alfresco Repository.
Scusami francescof, puoi aiutarmi? Ho esaurito le idee…….non sò più dove sbattere la testa! Sono giorni che cerco una soluzione, ho visitato tantissimi forum e siti ma non ho trovato nulla…per favore potresti darmi una mano?