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Alfresco Start Produces Errors

Champ on-the-rise
Champ on-the-rise
Alfresco 4.2.d on sles11 SP2. Since i upgraded to 4.2.d, when i start alfresco, i see this on the terminal:
/ start
waiting for server to start…….. stopped waiting
pg_ctl.bin: could not start server
Examine the log output.
/opt/alfresco/postgresql/scripts/ : postgresql  could not be started
Using CATALINA_BASE:   /opt/alfresco/tomcat
Using CATALINA_HOME:   /opt/alfresco/tomcat
Using CATALINA_TMPDIR: /opt/alfresco/tomcat/temp
Using JRE_HOME:        /opt/alfresco/java
Using CLASSPATH:       /opt/alfresco/tomcat/bin/bootstrap.jar:/opt/alfresco/tomcat/bin/tomcat-juli.jar
Using CATALINA_PID:    /opt/alfresco/tomcat/temp/
/opt/alfresco/tomcat/scripts/ : tomcat started

Nothing in the alfresco.log or the share.log. Alfresco/share works after this so i am assuming this is some builtin module that produces the error. We are not using any addons.

Star Contributor
Star Contributor
Your database (PostgreSql) is the problem. I suggest that you need to look in your PostgreSql log file. Probably in


that should tell you why PostgreSql won't start.

Champ on-the-rise
Champ on-the-rise
pgsql is not located in /var/log in fact, after a search, not found anywhere on the filesystem. Must mention we are using mysql DB not postgresql

Star Contributor
Star Contributor
That could well be your issue. If you look at the error you posted

pg_ctl.bin: could not start server

Examine the log output.

/opt/alfresco/postgresql/scripts/ : postgresql  could not be started is clearly trying to start postgreSql and not mySQL.

Now looks for an executable file {install-directory}/{database-to-use}/scripts/ It starts looking in mysql and then postgresql. In your installation it would seem that there is no executable file


but there is an executable file


so tries to start postgreSql which it can't because it doesn't exist.

I think you need to create the executable


to start your database.

Champ on-the-rise
Champ on-the-rise
Now looks for an executable file {install-directory}/{database-to-use}/scripts/ It starts looking in mysql and then postgresql. In your installation it would seem that there is no executable file

but there is an executable file

so tries to start postgreSql which it can't because it doesn't exist.

So are you saying there should be a /opt/mysql/scripts/ folder/file in the installation? Because there is not; in fact, neither was in the installed 4.2.c (i upgraded to 4.2.d and kept the structure of 4.2.c and verified that path does not exist and it worked fine in 4.2.c).

I think you need to create the executable

to start your database.

So i created that path with the exact permission from /opt/alfresco/postgres/scripts/ Then stop and start and still got the same error.

Star Contributor
Star Contributor
Check your you will see what it is trying to do - mine is standard and I assume yours will be to.

You will need the shell script to start the mysql db (not merely exist) and for your configuration ( will need to point at it.

Champ on-the-rise
Champ on-the-rise
RJohnson, thank you for your time and help. I want to just step back and reproduce when this happened:
- was running 4.2.c using mysql DB with no problems (like this)
- 4.2.d came out so i upgraded using the alfresco recommended upgrade process which was basically to backup DB's (mysql and alf_data) which i did. Then move the 4.2.c version to a safe place on the drive (did this). Install 4.2.d and import alf_data. This step was not exactly clear. So i renamed the new alf_data directory and copied the old alf_data directory into the 4.2.d install. This is when i started seeing this problem. So, if i rename the existing alf_data directory (which is from the 4.2.c install) and use the 4.2.d alf_data directory then run alfresco start, no errors and postgressql starts. So i think this has to do with the 4.2.c alf_data directory.

Champ on-the-rise
Champ on-the-rise
OK, here was the fix for me:
- use the 4.2.d install alf_data directory but copy the contentstore and contentstore.deleted folders into the 4.2.d alf_data folder. Start alfresco and no errors when starting.