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Alfresco Share VS metadata versioning

Champ on-the-rise
Champ on-the-rise
I've a question regarding versioning of metadata in Share. As I can see by default metadata is versioned but only as a 'snapshot' in the moment of uploading new content version.
I would like to force alfresco to store a new minor version at EVERY metadata change.

I've found this topic:

but it's pretty old and concerning Explorer.

Is the functionality I want possible now in share and it's only rather configuration issue or do I have write code to leverage Versioning service too, as in aforementioned topic?


Champ on-the-rise
Champ on-the-rise

If you add content in Share and then add the aspect Versionable to it through the "Manage Aspects" action, your content will get this aspect with its default properties which includes the "cm:autoVersionOnUpdateProps" set to true ie, you will get exactly what you want.

However If you just upload some content and then uses the Share action "Upload New Version" the REST API that Share uses seems to set the cm:autoVersionOnUpdateProps to false after adding the Versionable aspect.

I guess that if you create a rule on the document library that automatically adds the Versionable aspect to all you content (or a preferred subset) directly upon upload you will have the behaviour you are asking for.

Have a nice weekend!

Champ on-the-rise
Champ on-the-rise

thanks for you answer!

You were..  partially right Smiley Wink
Yes indeed if I
1. upload new content,
2. then manually add versionable aspect,
3. and afterwards modify metadata everything is versioned properly (every metadata change treated as minor change).
4. But.. if the next step is uploading new version of this content it goes astray again, metadata changes pass unobserved.
Even after manually removing versionable aspect and adding it again the problem still occurs.

So Alfresco Guys, don't you think this behaviour should be considered as bug?

(Tested on Alfresco 4.0d community)

Champ on-the-rise
Champ on-the-rise

They state "although it should be noted that Alfresco Share currently disables this feature (by explicitly setting autoVersionOnUpdateProps=false for upload and checkout)."

I also notice the behaviour you are explaining, what I find really strange is that the autoVersionOnUpdateProps stays true all the time but no new versions are created upon a property change.

So to sum up:

1. Upload a document in Share.
2. Add the versionable aspect. The autoVersionInUpdateProps is true by default
3. All property changes from now on are reflected with new minor versions.
4. Upload a new version of the document. The autoVersionInUpdateProps stays true.
5. After this no property changes is reflected with new versions.

I would recommend you to file an issue in Jira.


Champ on-the-rise
Champ on-the-rise
Yeah, I've also just pulled versionable aspect properties to the share GUI and tried to turn autoVersionOnUpdateProps on/off but it also doesn't change anything after the node is 'broken' by uploading content. Really strange ;/

JIRA issue here:

Champ on-the-rise
Champ on-the-rise
Found an open related jira issue:
