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Alfresco/Share (CMIS) filestorage location ?

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Hello everybody,

i've installed Alfresco and Share on Debian with Tomcat6 in a specific Hdd-partition. The Binary-Data (all my files) of the repositiory and the sites should be stored on another hard-drive. How can this be done and how can i proof the correct data-storage?

Thanks for your help.

best regards,

Star Contributor
Star Contributor
The following properties control the root of your content store, where the indexes go and where the content goes.

Set these values in your

If you already have data in Alfresco then you will need to copy the content to the new location.

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Thanks for this info! I've changed the parameter and mapped it to the specific partition. Files are now stored correctly.

So this problem could be marked as solved but i have some related questions:
1. VERY IMPORTANT QUESTION: The files are saved as *.bin with an numeric id as name. Worst case: alfresco is dead and i have to recover the files, how can i resolve the original filename and filetype?
2. What if the storage of the hdd is full and i have to attach new hdds and then redirect the saving to this new hdds? How can this scenario be realised as automatic as possible?
3. Whats with deleted files? There is a "contentstore.deleted" directoy but its empty although i deleted a file and my "contentstore" directory seems to be as full as before. Is there any temporary or site-related trash for recovery purposes which i can/have to clear?

Star Contributor
Star Contributor
1. VERY IMPORTANT QUESTION: The files are saved as *.bin with an numeric id as name. Worst case: alfresco is dead and i have to recover the files, how can i resolve the original filename and filetype?
You should learn to back up and restore alfresco as a top priority task :!:    So if Alfresco is "dead" then you just restore another instance from a backup.    An alternative for a small repo is to take backups through one of the filesystem interfaces from time to time.

2. What if the storage of the hdd is full and i have to attach new hdds and then redirect the saving to this new hdds? How can this scenario be realised as automatic as possible?
If you have Alfresco Enterprise then you can use policy driven storage.  Or you should investigate some sort of disk management system.  So you just allocate space as needed and the disk management system manages the mapping to physical devices.

3. Whats with deleted files? There is a "contentstore.deleted" directoy but its empty although i deleted a file and my "contentstore" directory seems to be as full as before. Is there any temporary or site-related trash for recovery purposes which i can/have to clear?
There is a content store cleaner job that will move "orphaned" content into the deleted folder.   From the deleted folder you can either have a last chance to backup the files or delete them.    In addition there is an "archive" store that will hold "soft" deleted files in a similar way to *doze recycle bin.

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
1. Of course, you're right, alfresco is implemented in the backup process, i just feared the worst.
2. Unfortunatly i'm alfresco community user, 'cause i couldn't find any subscription plans for Enterprise and i have a starting business. So i have to search for a debian based disk-management system.
3. thanks for the info, where can i find the cleaner job?
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