My corp use a 4.2 enterprise version and at home I install the community version 4.2.f with a Win 7 64b 8Go PC
I've downloaded the latest SDK and FDK vertsion.
I try to develop new data models or functionnality.
I use MVN " 3.3.3 " to générate a new project :
" mvn archetype:generate -Dfilter=org.alfresco: "
The POM.XML are for an Alfresco 5.0 and generate errors. Even if I change the archtype version. If I change the alfresco version in the POM to a 4.2.f I cant compile even a simple AMP
If I use the sources of an old module, MVN compile succesfully and I've no errors on Alfresco.
Questions :
1) What can be the MVN syntax or parameters I must use to generate, compile and run succesfully a new module for Alf 4.2.f ???
2) On the web I find a description for an old SDK version but I can't find a way to download that one. Where and how can I donload that old version ???
Thanks in advance for your help