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Alfresco REST Upload API - Customization

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Can the 'content-type' of http response header be customized for the Out-of-the-Box REST upload API?

By default, the http response header's 'content-type' is returned with value - 'application/json'… Can this be customized to return as 'plain/text'…

Star Collaborator
Star Collaborator
Why do you want to do that? You can always override out of box webscripts and can change whatever you want to do. As a part of best practice create a replica of webscript and then modify that to keep core intact.

Thanks for responding.. I am using a HTML form with action pointing to this rest endpoont .. I use an iframe to capture the target's response.. It works fine for chrome n Firefox as they even render the application/json response HTML format.. But IE does not behave downloads the non HTML/plain text responses..