09-23-2016 11:43 AM
Alfresco DevCon 2018:
Process Backed Governance: Slides & Video
Why Search and Rescue is like Software Development: Slides & Video
Amazon Macie Hackathon demo: Slides & Video
BeeCon 2017:
Records Management, the API story: Slides & Video
April 2016: BeeCon:
Slides: Extending share: from the outside in
Slides: BeeCon 2016 Alfresco Engineering lightning talk (lightning talk)
Dec 2015: Alfresco Day Prague: Extending Share: Real World Examples
Slides: Extending Share: Real World Examples
Sept 2015: Alfresco Tech Talk Live 89: Records Management.
A technical look at the Alfresco Records Management module, how it works and how to extend it.
Video on YouTube: Alfresco Tech Talk Live #89: Records Management - YouTube
Slides on Slideshare: Alfresco Records Management Tech Talk Live September 2015
Or download the:
Check out the source code for the example extension in Github: https://github.com/davidcognite/alfresco-sdk-samples/tree/master/samples/alfresco-rm-custom
Feb 2015: Alfresco Tech Talk Live 83: Aikau Testing
A chat with the Aikau engineers about our approach to testing.
Video: Alfresco Tech Talk Live 83: Advanced Aikau, Testing - YouTube
Slides: Aikau testing tech talk live 83 20150204
Alfresco Summit 2014
Declarative Configuration of Share.
Video: Alfresco Summit 2014: Declarative Configuration of Share - YouTube
Notes: Declarative Configuration of Share | Alfresco Summit is becoming Alfresco Days .
(this is a recording from London, I gave the same session in San Francisco)
Alfresco Summit 2013
Internationalising a Share Customisation.
Video: Alfresco Summit 2013: Internationalizing a Share Customization - YouTube
Slides: Internationalizing a Share Customization | Alfresco Summit is becoming Alfresco Days
Debugging Share (and other webapps)
Video: Alfresco Summit 2013: Debugging Share (and other web apps) - YouTube
Slides: Debugging Share (and other web apps) | Alfresco Summit is becoming Alfresco Days
Alfresco DevCon 2012
Latest Share Enhancements. Notes.
Video: DevCon 2012: Latest Share Enhancements, David Webster - YouTube
Page copied from: Presentations | David Webster's Alfresco Blog
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