Hello my question is really simple
I want to open a module "document-picker" when i click on my custom button in my documentLibrary in the "toolbar.js"
so, like I saw in a lot of example
<javascript> var instance = new Alfresco.module.DocumentPicker(this.id + "-linkDocumentPicker", Alfresco.ObjectRenderer); </javascript>
but I always get the error "alfresco.module.DocumentPicker is not a constructor" in the log of my browser
but as you can see this is the right constructor … by the way none of my module work by this technique (only the upload button but he is working with a fileUploadGetInstance, he is different)
<javascript> Alfresco.module.DocumentPicker = function(htmlId, objectRendererClass)
Alfresco.module.DocumentPicker.superclass.constructor.call(this, "Alfresco.module.DocumentPicker", htmlId, ["button", "menu", "container", "resize", "datatable", "datasource"]);
* Decoupled event listeners
this.eventGroup = htmlId;
YAHOO.Bubbling.on("renderCurrentValue", this.onRenderCurrentValue, this);
YAHOO.Bubbling.on("selectedItemAdded", this.onSelectedItemAdded, this);
YAHOO.Bubbling.on("selectedItemRemoved", this.onSelectedItemRemoved, this);
YAHOO.Bubbling.on("parentChanged", this.onParentChanged, this);
YAHOO.Bubbling.on("parentDetails", this.onParentDetails, this);
// Initialise prototype properties
this.pickerId = htmlId + "-cntrl-picker";
this.widgets = {};
this.columns = [];
this.currentValueMeta = [];
this.selectedItems = [];
//use specifed object renderer or default to default object renderer
var objectRendererClass = objectRendererClass || Alfresco.ObjectRenderer;
this.options.objectRenderer = new objectRendererClass(this);
return this;
}; </javascript>
the picker is in my modules