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Alfresco + Intalio BPM

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Hi all,

I read an interesting post about this ( and I would like to approach this topic from an slightly different point of view.

Christian asked about native product integration (I guess strategic integration from version 1.4 is the popular jBPM and other jBoss products), but my first question is if there are plans in roadmap to extend this integration to other BPM products in the WCM timeframe and beyond.

I have reviewed Intalio and looks extremely well.

Even if Alfresco does not provide tight integration, I would like to ask if there are best practices or past experiences in "user coded" integrations with such products.

Thanks in advance.

Star Contributor
Star Contributor
Christian asked about native product integration (I guess strategic integration from version 1.4 is the popular jBPM and other jBoss products), but my first question is if there are plans in roadmap to extend this integration to other BPM products in the WCM timeframe and beyond.

Our current plan does not extend to incorporating other BPM engines.  However, Alfresco has been designed to allow for the plug-in of other engines (running side-by-side if necessary).  The SPIs WorkflowComponent & TaskComponent are the plug-in points - see BPMEngineRegistry.

Even with these plug-in points, I'd expect it take some time to embed other engines - they all have their own style.

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making

first: complements for your product! It's a pleasure to work with.

I came across this article:
Can you tell me something about the schedule for this integration? Ie can we expect this in the 2.0 final release?



Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
I think the 'Intalio' answer to that one is 'demand driven development' : interested parties sharing development cost

Let me know if you're interested in this functionality and willing to share cost.

Luk Vervenne

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
I stumpled upon a recent press release by Intalio stating that Intalio|BPM and Alfresco will be integrated. Could someone at Alfresco comment on this development?


Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Yes, this is something we'll be working on.  However, I personally don't have a timeline on it.  All I know is that we have a joint training  / design sessions coming up soon, so I imagine the work will be starting in the next month or so.

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
so far, this is what we have:

1. For a basic intalio/alfresco integration we have enabled storage of human task documents in Alfresco, this based on the same credential as the ones used in intalio User Interface.
2. Throughout partners, we think we can provide both CAS enabled portlets (alfresco, and intalio), thus using the same SSO service. (coming realy soon)

For the last step, integrating Intalio and Afresco altogether, I am eagerly awaiting the Alfresco training next week so we can make this happen in the best of times.
If there are more questions, feel free to drop a note at: tempo-dev at


Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Any news on the progress of this integration?  I could not find anything more on the Alfresco or Intalio sites to confirm that it is complete.

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making

A long time ago i have got this answer from intalio

Regarding Intalio and Alfresco integration we are currently working on Phase 2 of 2.

The first phase of the integration will be released in Intalio|BPP 6.0, due by the end of the year.
Feature Description: Alfresco Document Management integration with Intalio|Workflow - Use Alfresco as document repository for Intalio|Workflow attachments (attachments to Forms).

There is screencast on the above which you probably have already seen: … ation.html

The second-phase integration which is being prototyped now includes the following:

1) Allow Alfresco to trigger Intalio business process
2) Allow Intalio to do CRUD operations on documents stored in Alfresco via web services

We have #1 working and #2 is currently in progress.

This work can be finalised earlier by sponsorship through our Demand Driven Development. I have attached a PDF describing this in more detail. Our current customers sponsored phase 1 through this program.

If you would like to learn more about Intalio|BPMS we actually have two training sessions coming up in Europe. These public sessions (max 10 participants) provide an intensive course on Business Process Management from modelling and design through to implementation (automation) without writing code and one click deploy.
You get the chance to fully evaluate the Intalio|BPMS which saves a lot of time, money and effort.

Details and registration:
Frankfurt 2-4 Dec: … tid=657665
Brussels 16-18 Dec: … tid=657666

I hope you find this information useful. Please let me know if I can help you further.

Kind regards,