Our company is relatively new to Alfresco, but have determined that it makes sense to use as an Enterprise Content Management System for much of the content that flows through our environment. I've come across this thread, which seems closely related to our question as we use EMC for our storage (EMC NSX).
Our struggle is in defining an enterprise implementation model that supports high volume document access from mission critical Java processes running on Unix boxes. Concerns about making API calls to get hundreds or thousands of documents, real-time, are based around the concerns of availability as well as performance. Because of Alfresco's proprietary nature for storing/indexing content, the client will either have to make API calls, or mount via NFS. Our Systems Administrations teams have raised red flags (show-stoppers), indicating that the nature of how Alfresco implements NFS introduces risk to any machine that is mounted to Alfresco, should that service go down. i.e. the Alfresco NFS mount fails or goes down, and any connected machine will need to be restarted.
As we architect the way in which Alfresco will be leveraged in our infrastructure, there is a significant dependency on the ability to access content, meaning the content has to be highly available, and the performance has to be optimal.
The questions we have for the group are:
1) How are other folks doing this? Companies must have similar requirements to us, where access to the content must always be on, and the latency of repetitive API calls, may not be acceptable
2) Regarding NFS, are the concerns of our SysAdmins valid? If so, what are others doing to mitigate this risk?
At the end of the day, it comes down to ensuring the content is available, and preferably as if the content were locally resident to the process that consumes it, as would appear to be the case with NFS. Hundreds-to-thousands of API calls to return content doesn't feel like an appropriate solution, nor does a few API calls, with significantly large responses???
We are very interested in hearing some responses from individuals/organizations who are leveraging Alfresco similarly to how we intend to, and understanding some best practices.