Alfresco WCM (as in most WCM systems) subsumes the roles of "development" and "QA" of content into a single system - the CMS. Deployment is then used to push approved content out to a "production" environment of some kind, which is how that blessed content is delivered to the intended audience. In fact the CMS itself is also a production system (albeit typically a back-office, in-house system), so I prefer to use the term "delivery" when referring to the system that delivers content to the audience.
The approach of using separate independent systems for "development" and "QA" of content is a throwback to the early-to-mid 1990s, when everyone developed web sites as a stack of files on disk (often a shared network file server), QAed their content on a separate file server that also had a web server configured, and then (once everything was approved) copied that content over to yet another set of servers (production) for delivery to the audience. Starting in the mid 1990s, WCM systems started appearing on the scene and they pretty much obsoleted that approach.