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Alfresco Connector for Oracle Databases

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
hi, in my use case i have a big volume of documents stored inside an Oracle table as BLOB.
The migration to an Alfresco framework should be very time expensive so i was wondering if there is the possibility to integrate Alfresco with an Oracle database not just for metadata.
I need to find a way in order alfresco to point documents persisted like BLOB inside and Oracle Database Table withouth to move them to its repository. Is it possible?
thanks a lot.

Elite Collaborator
Elite Collaborator
This is the italian forum of Alfresco, so please the next time write your post on the following forum:

Yes it is possible but you should re-implement the fileContentStore component of Alfresco to allow it to read and write BLOB on Oracle database. You have to customize it extending the Java API of Alfresco with your own component.

Please notice that Oracle is supported only using Alfresco One (the Enterprise edition of Alfresco).

In Alfresco Community you can't use Oracle database and please consider Alfresco Community just a demo because it is not production ready at all.

Hope this helps.

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Grazie per la risposta e mi scuso per l'inglese. Quindi mi suggerisci l implementazione di un connector custom. Ma é possibile farlo anche per la.versione community? O sarebbe possibile implementarlo solo per la enterprise?

Elite Collaborator
Elite Collaborator
Per quanto riguarda un'implementazione di un custom connector verso Oracle lo puoi tranquillamente fare sia in versione Community che in versione Enterprise.

Basta che estendi Alfresco con uno dei seguenti componenti:
- Custom Action (eseguendolo con l'ActionService)
- Custom Behavior (mappando le operazioni base del repo tramite le Policies)
- Custom Java-Backed WebScript (eseguendo un metodo esposto via REST)
- Custom JavaScript API Service (eseguendo quindi uno script tramite l'azione execute-script)
- Custom Subsystem