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Alfresco Community 5.0 and Google Docs 5.0

Star Contributor
Star Contributor
Hi Experts,
It looks integration with Alfresco Community 5.0 & google docs is failed.
I did the fresh installation of Alfresco Community 5.0 on Windows Server 2008 R2 and the installation went well.
When I'm trying to configure the google docs, I could not able to find "share.log" .
Then, I looked at amps_share folder, I found the "alfresco-googledocs-share-2.0.7.amp" file, but not installed in the share's web-extension directory, I found only ,"custom-slingshot-googledocs-context.xml" file.
I reapplied the google docs amp,but no luck, I'm able see to only the "custom-slingshot-googledocs-context.xml" file in the web-extension directory.
Can you please help me, how to install google docs in Alfresco Community 5.0?


Star Contributor
Star Contributor
Again I did the clean install and noticed the googledocs files are present in the tomcat\webapps\share\WEB-INF\classes\alfresco\ directories.