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Alfresco Community 3.2.2 to Enterprise 3.2.2 in Linux

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making

I want to install Alfresco Community 3.2.2 in Linux environment with Oracle as database. I want to create web forms in it. After few months I want to convert the same installation with the created web forms and oracle database to Alfresco Enterprise 3.2.2 version.

Following are my questions:

1> Can I install Alfresco Community 3.2.2 with Oracle database in Linux? Few of the post says that Community with Oracle not possible.
2> If I put only the license key into the Alfresco Community 3.2.2 - linux and restart. This is the only change required to make the installation Enterprise? Will it work?

3> or do I need to un-install Community 3.2.2 and install afresh Enterprise 3.2.2 with license key?

Request to answer my questions.

Thanks in advance


Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making

Any update on the post?

Thanks in advance


Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Hi Subhajit,

höm I think I don´t understand your question. So do you want to change your Alfresco Community installation to Alfresco Enterprise Installation?



Yes, One part of my question is it, "want to change your Alfresco Community installation to Alfresco Enterprise Installation in Linux environment"

Anothor part is "Can I install Alfresco Community 3.2.2 with Oracle?".

Thanks in advance.


Star Contributor
Star Contributor
1> Can I install Alfresco Community 3.2.2 with Oracle database in Linux? Few of the post says that Community with Oracle not possible.
Not sure.  Off the top of my head I'd say not although 3.2 is so old it may have been an option then.

2> If I put only the license key into the Alfresco Community 3.2.2 - linux and restart. This is the only change required to make the installation Enterprise? Will it work?

No - community lacks stuff like the license code, it can't even read the license.   The enterprise application is a different 'war' file.

3> its an "upgrade" to 3.2.  If its just test data, you can probably just replace the 'war' files and apply the license.   However if you care about the data then the usual backup and restore method is the way to go.

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making

Thanks a lot for your response.


Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making

Alfresco Community doesn´t support Alfresco-Version! The other answer see the post of mrogers.
If you have any question, feel free to ask.



Thanks a lot Domenico for your response.
