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Alfresco 3.4.d and.3.4.e stable?

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Hi all,

Our people started with Alfresco 3.4.d three months ago and we are facing some problems with high CPU, giant number of records in alf_node_properties and I thought if we could move to version 4.0 but isnt that simple.
So based on this brief context I have some questions:
1. After some search about Alfresco 3.4.e version I saw it was labeled preview version. My question is, preview to what? To version 4.0?
May I conclude is not a good ideia upgrade my 3.4.d version to 3.4.e?
2. It is well known the upgrade from 3.4.d to 4.o isnt an easy thing to do and depending on the case it can take months to make it. I believe the Alfresco Developement Team is working in its last version. My question is if bugs related to 3.4.d will  continue to be fixed and how do I know or be notified if I need or not.
3. It is widely said that Alfresco 3.X has problems with Virtual Machines but I couldnt find anywhere the reason. Can someone tell me why? Is this said problem also happens in paravirtualization (xen servers)?

Thanks in advance


Star Contributor
Star Contributor

Star Contributor
Star Contributor
"It is widely said" without specific points, topics like that are going nowhere.

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
I´ve just goolgled and saw some people saying so but they dont give any reason. Thats why Im asking… If you say it isnt true Im OK with it.

Star Contributor
Star Contributor
It's true that there can be some issues with running Java on a VM.   In particular how to free memory from a Java VM is something that keeps virtualisation vendors awake at night.   Its also true that there is a small overhead on running on virtualised servers.

Equally there are many instances of alfresco running just fine on virtualised servers,  not least alfresco in the cloud.

The most common vm configuration problems are - not giving the process enough RAM (Alfresco likes lots of RAM!), contention from other VMs (Other processes hogging all the CPU), and virtualisation issues like how to configure networking on a virtualised environment.

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
My aimed point in those questions is to know if it is feasible or not put alfresco on VMs. As you said I should conclude that it is definitely possible, there are cases and there is no such "NOT RECOMENDED"

Thank you!!!