I've tried over and over again with various combinations of port numbers but could not get alfresco-3.4.c installed properly on an osx snow leopard server. After installation I get the localhost:8380/share screen but cannot login. There's no error msg printed anywhere in catalina or alfresco logs. I know the database is accessible because if I drop/recreate the database it populates it with the tables.
Environment: OSX Snowleopard Server, 10.6.6
Database: Mysql
Port range used: 8300 - 8399
We have JIRA, Confluence, Crowd and Gerrit running on the same host so I isolated the port numbers as much as possible. Assigned ports 8300 - 8399 for alfresco's tomcat, rmi, ftp etc. during an advanced install, but it just doesn't work!
Any thoughts?