07-13-2009 01:59 PM
07-14-2009 01:23 PM
07-14-2009 01:43 PM
# This flag enables use of this LDAP subsystem for authentication. It may be
# that this subsytem should only be used for synchronization, in which case
# this flag should be set to false.
# This properties file brings together the common options for LDAP authentication rather than editing the bean definitions
# How to map the user id entered by the user to taht passed through to LDAP
# In Active Directory, this can either be the user principal name (UPN) or DN.
# UPNs are in the form <sAMAccountName>@domain and are held in the userPrincipalName attribute of a user
# The LDAP context factory to use
# The URL to connect to the LDAP server
#ldap.authentication.java.naming.provider.url=ldap:// SSL-Port, not used here.
# The authentication mechanism to use
# Escape commas entered by the user at bind time
# Useful when using simple authentication and the CN is part of the DN and contains commas
# Escape commas entered by the user when setting the authenticated user
# Useful when using simple authentication and the CN is part of the DN and contains commas, and the escaped \, is
# pulled in as part of an LDAP sync
# If this option is set to true it will break the default home folder provider as space names can not contain \
# Comma separated list of user names who should be considered administrators by default
<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< By the way: This doesn't work for me, if I add my username. Only 'admin' gets the admin panel.
# This flag enables use of this LDAP subsystem for user and group
# synchronization. It may be that this subsytem should only be used for
# authentication, in which case this flag should be set to false.
# The default principal to bind with (only used for LDAP sync). This should be a UPN or DN
# The password for the default principal (only used for LDAP sync)
# If positive, this property indicates that RFC 2696 paged results should be
# used to split query results into batches of the specified size. This
# overcomes any size limits imposed by the LDAP server.
# The query to select all objects that represent the groups to import.
# The query to select objects that represent the groups to import that have changed since a certain time.
# The query to select all objects that represent the users to import. userAccountControl: bit checks for disabled and non-user accounts
# The query to select objects that represent the users to import that have changed since a certain time.
ldap.synchronization.personDifferentialQuery=(& (objectclass=user)(!(modifyTimestamp<\={0})))
# The group search base restricts the LDAP group query to a sub section of tree on the LDAP server.
ldap.synchronization.groupSearchBase=ou\=Security Groups,ou\=Alfresco,dc=domain
# The user search base restricts the LDAP user query to a sub section of tree on the LDAP server.
#ldap.synchronization.userSearchBase=ou\=User Accounts,ou=\Alfresco,dc=domain
# The name of the operational attribute recording the last update time for a group or user.
# The timestamp format. Unfortunately, this varies between directory servers.
# The attribute name on people objects found in LDAP to use as the uid in Alfresco
# The attribute on person objects in LDAP to map to the first name property in Alfresco
# The attribute on person objects in LDAP to map to the last name property in Alfresco
# The attribute on person objects in LDAP to map to the email property in Alfresco
# The attribute on person objects in LDAP to map to the organizational id property in Alfresco
# The default home folder provider to use for people created via LDAP import
# userHomesHomeFolderProvider personalHomeFolderProvider companyHomeFolderProvider guestHomeFolderProvider
# The attribute on LDAP group objects to map to the gid property in Alfrecso
# The group type in LDAP
# The person type in LDAP
# The attribute in LDAP on group objects that defines the DN for its members
07-15-2009 08:53 AM
07-23-2009 10:59 AM
Now I have another issue which is kind of the opposite. I WANT to get my groups but I can't, because whenever there's a little glitch in the LDAP, such as a missing attribute in one of the members of the group, the whole sync goes down. See my thread at http://forums.alfresco.com/en/viewtopic.php?f=9&t=20325 and my bug report at https://issues.alfresco.com/jira/browse/ETHREEOH-2484. If you're interested in a fix, make sure you "vote" on my bug report, so it will get some attention!
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