Thanks so much for the reply mrogers… you have given us hope here in Seattle.
To answer your first question, yes MySQL is running as we can see via:
[Thu Aug 07 | root@babbage:/tmp/Alf_Restore]$ service mysqld status
mysqld (pid 6342) is running…
[Thu Aug 07 | root@babbage:/tmp/Alf_Restore]$ lsof -i | grep -i mysql
mysqld 6342 mysql 3u IPv4 15767 TCP *:mysql (LISTEN)
And the user alfresco can connect to the alfresco db:
[Thu Aug 07 | root@babbage:/tmp/Alf_Restore]$ mysql -u alfresco -p alfresco
Enter password:
Reading table information for completion of table and column names
You can turn off this feature to get a quicker startup with -A
Welcome to the MySQL monitor. Commands end with ; or \g.
Your MySQL connection id is 106
Server version: 5.0.45 Source distribution
Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the buffer.
So can you please specify what file is the correct one? Like with the exact file name?
When you say editing stuff in web-inf is always wrong both files that we tried have that in their directory path:
#1) /usr/share/apache-tomcat-6.0.20/webapps/alfresco/WEB-INF/classes/alfresco/domain/hibernate-cfg.properties
#2) /usr/share/apache-tomcat-6.0.20/webapps/alfresco/WEB-INF/classes/alfresco/extension/custom-hibernate-dialect.properties
Should we edit door #1 or door #2?