Now I need to read this XML output on company Intranet Portal Site using javascript. I use jQuery libraries and personalized scripts. Those scripts usually read physical XML loaded on portal server. Alfresco Webscripts needs authentication…
- There's a way to get authenticated through Javascript ? - Should I move original documents to VCM area to remove authentication ? - There's a space inside alfresco where authentication is not needed ? - Or better, could I write my XML output physically inside a VCM folder and deplay it on another server I choose, in this case portal server ?
I solved the authentication problems creating a special user called "alfresco_srv" and using a ticket approch: http://<host>:<port>/<contextPath>/<servicePath>/api/path/Workspace/SpacesStore/Company%20Home/children?alf_ticket=<ticket>
HERE IS HOW EVERYTHING WORKS: I ask alfresco for the needed json file using and Ajax call with ticket. The json contains all the neeed information, filename, modified date, author and more once i get the file, jQuery will convert everything into HTML and insert the output inside the page.