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Aikau forms in workflow

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Is it possible to integrate the forms created using aikau framework into activiti Workflow forms ? 
why : It will reduce the creation of forms in two places and to maintain the changes…

Star Contributor
Star Contributor
As of now, No.
We will wait for Dave Drapper comments.

World-Class Innovator
World-Class Innovator

This is actually something being worked on at the time of writing (see this blog post). Depending when you're reading this post the work may or may not be complete, so if reading after 15th Sept 2016 you should probably check for the details of the latest Aikau release which is currently 1.0.85.

We're providing a FormsRuntimeService to provide a mapping between the Share YUI2 based forms runtime and the Aikau form controls.

We're making good progress with this and it is functional but still missing some mappings so not all forms will render as expected. Hopefully this will be complete soon and will be available for production use - watch for further updates, the best way would be to follow me on Twitter (@_DaveDraper) where I usually tweet links to new blog posts announcing progress with this kind of stuff.