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Aflresco one ECM components

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
is the alfresco activiti part of the alfresco ECM solution, in other words, if i install the ECM solution , can i design processes without the need to install activiti on its own ?

Legendary Innovator
Legendary Innovator
A somewhat similar question came up in <a href="">another thread</a>.

Part of the answer copied here for convenience:

<q>unfortunately, the mix of company, product and library names can be quite confusing to figure out if you are not already familiar with them.

    Alfresco - the name of the company and often / for historical reasons also used as the name of the primary ECM product, which is available as Alfresco Community (open source) and Alfresco One (commercial)
    Activiti - the name of the BPM open source library that is both embedded into the Alfresco ECM product (Alfresco Community and Alfresco One), but also exists as a separate, commercial product called "Alfresco Activiti"

So your question might be if you need Alfresco Community / One which has Activiti embedded, or Alfresco Activiti, which is Activiti without any document management, but provides a lot of corporate-level business process management features that Alfresco Community / One do not have. E.g. allowing business users to design, model and activate business processes in the live instance, adding process analytics etc.</q>

Short form: If you install the ECM solution, you cannot design processes in the live instance without installing Alfresco Activiti too. You can however design & develop processes using modelling tools in IDEs, such as Eclipse, and activate those dynamically, but it won't be anything like shown in <a href="">this demo</a>.

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