01-19-2016 05:50 AM
//the value on Share will be shown as <strong>A</strong> instead of <strong>1 - A</strong>
// through the use of ftl
<constraint name="evl:courtNames" type="LIST">
<parameter name="allowedValues">
<value>1 - A</value>
<value>2 - B</value>
//the value on Share will be shown as <strong>Arbitration Petition</strong> instead of <strong>1 - Arbitration Petition through the use of ftl</strong>
<constraint name="evl:matterTypes" type="LIST">
<parameter name="allowedValues">
<value>1 - Arbitration Petition</value>
<value>1 - Civil Appeal</value>
<value>1 - REF. U/A 317(1)</value>
<value>2 - CAVEAT(CO.)</value>
<value>2 - CCP(CO.)</value>
<value>2 - CCP(O)</value>
<value>2 - CCP(REF)</value>
<value>2 - CEAC</value>
<value>2 - O.M.P. (T) (COMM.)</value>
<!– Enterprise-wide generic legal document type –>
<type name="evl:legalDocument">
<title>Legal Document</title>
<!– Year of the Case. –>
<property name="evl:yearOfCreation">
<title>Document Year</title>
<constraint ref="evl:yearConstraint" />
<!– Which court is the case in –>
<property name="evl:courtName">
<title>Name of the Court</title>
<index enabled="true">
<constraint ref="evl:courtNames" />
<!– A number assigned to a legal case by a court –>
<property name="evl:caseNumber">
<title>Case Number </title>
<!– A short code for the type of matter at hand –>
<property name="evl:matterType">
<title>Matter Type</title>
<index enabled="true">
<constraint ref="evl:matterTypes" />
<!– Will be auto-generated based on Matter Type, Case Number and Case
Year –>
<property name="evl:caseReference">
<title>Case Reference</title>
<index enabled="true">
<!– Advanced search form configuration –>
<config evaluator="model-type" condition="evl:legalDocument"
<!– Search form –>
<form id="search">
<show id="evl:caseNumber" force="true" />
<show id="evl:yearOfCreation" force="true" />
<show id="evl:courtName" force="true" />
<show id="evl:matterType" force="true" />
<show id="evl:caseReference" force="true" />
<field id="evl:caseNumber" label-id="prop.evl_caseNumber">
<!– <control> <control template="" /> </control> –>
<field id="evl:yearOfCreation" label-id="prop.evl_yearOfCreation">
<control-param name="maxLength">4</control-param>
<field id="evl:courtName" label-id="prop.evl_courtName">
<control template="/form-controls/parent-filter-selectone.ftl">
<control-param name="filteredProperty">evl_matterType</control-param>
<field id="evl:matterType" label-id="prop.evl_matterType">
<control template="/form-controls/filtered-selectone.ftl" />
<!– <field id="evl:caseReference" label-id="prop.evl_caseReference"></field> –>
public class LegalPropertyGenerator implements
NodeServicePolicies.OnUpdatePropertiesPolicy {
// Dependencies
private NodeService nodeService;
private PolicyComponent policyComponent;
// Behaviours
private Behaviour onCreateNode;
private Behaviour onUpdateProperties;
private Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(LegalPropertyGenerator.class);
public void init() {
if (logger.isDebugEnabled())
logger.debug("******************* Initializing legal property generator behavior *******************");
// Create behaviours
this.onCreateNode = new JavaBehaviour(this, "onCreateNode",
this.onUpdateProperties = new JavaBehaviour(this, "onUpdateProperties",
// Bind behaviours to node policies
NamespaceService.ALFRESCO_URI, "onCreateNode"), LegalDocumentModel.TYPE_LEGAL_DOCUMENT,
NamespaceService.ALFRESCO_URI, "onUpdateProperties"), LegalDocumentModel.TYPE_LEGAL_DOCUMENT,
public void onCreateNode(ChildAssociationRef childAssocRef) {
if (logger.isDebugEnabled())
logger.debug("Inside onCreateNode");
public void onUpdateProperties(NodeRef nodeRef,
Map<QName, Serializable> before, Map<QName, Serializable> after) {
if (logger.isDebugEnabled())
logger.debug("Inside onUpdateProperties");
* Method used for generating the ev:legalDocument type fields
* @param caseNumber
* case number of the document
* @param caseYear
* year of the case
* @param matterType
* matter type of the case
public void generateLegalTypeFields(NodeRef nodeRef) {
if (logger.isDebugEnabled())
logger.debug("Inside generateFieldCaseRef");
// get the required fields for generating the case reference field
Serializable caseNumber = nodeService.getProperty(nodeRef, LegalDocumentModel.PROP_CASE_NUMBER);
Serializable caseYear = nodeService.getProperty(nodeRef, LegalDocumentModel.PROP_CASE_YEAR);
Serializable matterType = nodeService.getProperty(nodeRef, LegalDocumentModel.PROP_MATTER_TYPE);
generateCaseRefField(nodeRef, caseNumber, caseYear, matterType);
private void generateCaseRefField(NodeRef nodeRef, Serializable caseNumber,
Serializable caseYear, Serializable matterType) {
if (caseNumber == null || caseYear == null || matterType == null
|| matterType.toString().equals("")) {
nodeService.setProperty(nodeRef, LegalDocumentModel.PROP_CASE_REFERENCE, null);
} else {
// as the value is coming as "1 - courtName", we need to extract the "courtName"
int index = matterType.toString().indexOf("-") + 1;
nodeService.setProperty(nodeRef, LegalDocumentModel.PROP_CASE_REFERENCE, matterType
+ "/"
+ caseNumber.toString()
+ "/"
+ caseYear.toString());
public void setNodeService(NodeService nodeService) {
this.nodeService = nodeService;
public void setPolicyComponent(PolicyComponent policyComponent) {
this.policyComponent = policyComponent;
02-03-2016 11:46 PM
02-04-2016 01:56 AM
02-04-2016 03:26 AM
02-04-2016 07:34 AM
02-05-2016 09:26 AM
<config evaluator="string-compare" condition="Advanced Search">
<!– advanced search custom attribute config –>
<!– see http://wiki.alfresco.com/wiki/Advanced_Search_Custom_Attributes –>
<!– type constraint drop-down –>
<!– cm:content type is implicit in this list –>
<!– types must extend cm:content for display in the Alfresco web-client –>
<type name="evl:legalDocument" />
<type name="fm:post" />
<!– cm:folder type is implicit in this list –>
<!– types must extend cm:folder for display in the Alfresco web-client –>
<type name="fm:forums" />
02-08-2016 01:34 AM
<!– Advanced Search config section –>
<config replace="true" evaluator="string-compare" condition="AdvancedSearch">
<!– Forms for the advanced search type list –>
<form labelId="type.evl_legalDocument" descriptionId="search.form.desc.evl_legalDocument">evl:legalDocument
<form labelId="search.form.label.cm_content" descriptionId="search.form.desc.cm_content">cm:content
<form labelId="search.form.label.cm_folder" descriptionId="search.form.desc.cm_folder">cm:folder
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