11-03-2016 10:48 AM
Hi, guys
I am using alfresco 5.2, i have created a custom type and some properties and now i try to config the advanced search using my properties.
The problem is when i tape a search, i realize that the advanced searsh work with an AND operator between properties,
my fisrt question is; how can I change this default operator AND to OR ?
my second question is: i have another property "Date of creation" and i want to search files created by range of date, exemple: file created BEETWEEN dd/mm/yy AND dd1/mm1/yy1
Thank you
11-03-2016 01:34 PM
A quick google turns up this Add-On from Contezza:
Alfresco Share AND Search | Alfresco Add-ons - Alfresco Customizations
And another quick search turns up this thread with examples on doing Lucene date range queries:
11-07-2016 02:27 AM
Thank you Jeff, i will try this.
11-24-2016 04:35 AM
Hi jeff,
i tried the Add-on and this is not what i need, this add-on let's you change the OR to AND in the keyword search
in my case i have three custom proprty from a custom type, and i try to create an advanced search by my cutom proprties.
when i search Alfresco use the AND operator between my proprties,
any idea about this ?
thank's and sorry about my english.
11-24-2016 06:06 AM
Hi again
i've found the solution to change operator to OR by addinf this:
"<control-param name="mode">or</control-param>" to "share-form-config.xml" in the config section of cm:content
now i will try to rsolve yhe problem of tha rang search
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