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Admin view into all changes

Confirmed Champ
Confirmed Champ
Is there a way for a tenant-admin to report on all updates to processes/forms/stencils, and then open them for viewing?
The current access model requires each artifact to be explicitly shared with a group.
Is there a slimmer format for the artifact list?
The 270px x 250px preview box is cool, but to scale, we'd need these smaller, or viewable in a list,

Star Contributor
Star Contributor
No, we currently don't have something like an 'activities list', but i do like the idea.
The current model indeed needs it to be shared.

The preview was meant to be exactly that a preview - when you click it, you should see it in read only mode.
How would you imagine such a list when it would be the real size?

Confirmed Champ
Confirmed Champ
I'm thinking back to basics here –

As a user,
1) I want to see a list of things that share a group (e.g., files in a directory, or processes created on my Activiti system)
2) I should be able to sort/filter this list by standard fields (e.g., most recently created, alphabetical, by creator, updater)
3) I want to see the items on this list on various scales (e.g., detailed list, list, previews)

Star Contributor
Star Contributor
1) sounds like more of a power user, manager kind of type. Typical end user don't care about the stuff not happening to them. Knowledge workers might be the exception. It depends on the process, most likely.

2) 3) I agree, but that should be in an 'activity feed' (which we don't have right now)

Confirmed Champ
Confirmed Champ
Joram - we got a little off-track here. I was answering your question: "How would you imagine such a list when it would be the real size?" – I wasn't trying to change how the preview worked. I was just explaining that as a  commonsoftware user, I expect lists of to be displayed in those basic reporting styles.

And the original use I was looking for the tenant-admin group. We have multiple projects, and we want to see all of the application artifacts that are being updated.

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
From what you've said, the requirement is a reporting capability for a (tenant) admin, but that by having an alternative layout and sorting/filtering of the Kickstart views we pretty much get what you're looking for?

Confirmed Champ
Confirmed Champ
As the (tenant) admin I want to have layout (alternative to what exists today) for sorting/filtering the application components.
Current workaround, we need to push each user to explicitly share each asset with our governance group.

Confirmed Champ
Confirmed Champ
Any new thoughts on this?
"As the (tenant) admin I want to have [a list] layout (alternative to what exists today) for sorting/filtering the [all of the] application components [independent of whether they have been explicitly shared]."

Confirmed Champ
Confirmed Champ
Furthermore – for any artifact (process, form, stencil, decisiontable), we'd like one list showing these columns:

- Name
- Owner
- Version
- Last Updated Time
- Shared with

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Sounds reasonable as a use case, so we'll look at where it might fit in our roadmap.  Thanks.
