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admin user has disappeared

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Hi group

I have some funny behaviour occuring with my admin user - he no longer exists, but he does….

Firstly I am using 1.4 from the downloaded war file ….

1. from the login console I get Unable to login - unknown username or password

2. Logging in as a different user with the admin role… then look at users from the admin console, the admin user exists. If I try to change his password it says "A system error has happened during the operation: User name does not exist: admin"

we suspect the database is corrupt, cause we pointed it to the wrong repository at one stage????javascript:emoticon(':twisted:')
Twisted Evil

Thanks in advance

Champ on-the-rise
Champ on-the-rise

If you have pointed to the wrong DB/configuration, I would suggest rebuilding the indexes. At least then the data and indexes should be in sync. It is possible you will have content that has no metadata and the reverse.



Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Thanks Andy
we have managed to uncorrupt things - here are the steps we took

1.The first step is to delete the lucene indexes (in the alfdata directory) as you suggested
2.Also edit classes\alfresco\ and set index.recovery.mode=FULL (not sure if this was needed but figured it couldnt hurt_
3. we then wrote a small Program for comparing a repository's database with its file system 
(This program reports files which are in the filesystem and missing from the database and vice-versa)

Once again thankyou for your help