Here are the last few lines of the log. Does that tell you anything?
08:24:12,063 WARN [org.alfresco.wcm.client.util.impl.GuestSessionFactoryImpl] WQS unable to connect to repository: Not Found
08:24:14,070 WARN [org.alfresco.wcm.client.util.impl.GuestSessionFactoryImpl] WQS unable to connect to repository: Not Found
08:24:16,076 WARN [org.alfresco.wcm.client.util.impl.GuestSessionFactoryImpl] WQS unable to connect to repository: Not Found
08:24:18,082 WARN [org.alfresco.wcm.client.util.impl.GuestSessionFactoryImpl] WQS unable to connect to repository: Not Found
08:24:20,089 WARN [org.alfresco.wcm.client.util.impl.GuestSessionFactoryImpl] WQS unable to connect to repository: Not Found
08:24:22,095 WARN [org.alfresco.wcm.client.util.impl.GuestSessionFactoryImpl] WQS unable to connect to repository: Not Found
08:24:24,101 WARN [org.alfresco.wcm.client.util.impl.GuestSessionFactoryImpl] WQS unable to connect to repository: Not Found
08:24:26,108 WARN [org.alfresco.wcm.client.util.impl.GuestSessionFactoryImpl] WQS unable to connect to repository: Not Found
08:24:28,113 WARN [org.alfresco.wcm.client.util.impl.GuestSessionFactoryImpl] WQS unable to connect to repository: Not Found
08:24:30,120 WARN [org.alfresco.wcm.client.util.impl.GuestSessionFactoryImpl] WQS unable to connect to repository: Not Found