12-25-2009 10:51 PM
Test dashlet
<div id="treeDiv1">gee</div>
<script type="text/javascript">//<![CDATA[
var tempobject = [ { type: "text", label: "node1" } ];
//instantiate the TreeView control:
var tree = new YAHOO.widget.TreeView("treeDiv1", tempobject);
//render it
- Registered it01-20-2010 06:13 PM
"dokumenti" : [
<#list companyhome.childByNamePath["Sites/"+args.company+"/documentLibrary"].children as child>
"name" : "${jsonUtils.encodeJSONString(child.properties.name)}" ,
"nodeRef" : <#if child.isContainer>"FOLDER"<#else>"${jsonUtils.encodeJSONString(child.nodeRef)}"</#if>,
"clientUser" : "${child.properties["custom:prop1]}",
"clientPay" : ${child.properties["custom:prop2"]}"
}<#if child_has_next>, </#if>
01-20-2010 06:17 PM
01-20-2010 06:50 PM
<shortname>Document Property</shortname>
<description>Get doc properties for Share Upload dashlet</description>
01-20-2010 09:01 PM
01-21-2010 03:39 AM
Caused by: freemarker.core.InvalidReferenceException: Expression companyhome.childByNamePath["Sites/"+args.tvrtka+"/documentLibrary"] is undefined on line 3, column 8 in org/alfresco/sample/docprop.get.json.ftl.
Can you please point me to an example of how to past GET or POST argument from /share server-side .js or client .js to /alfresco webscript? I tried this in various ways, didn't work.
01-21-2010 06:46 AM
var connector = remote.connect("alfresco");
result = connector.get("/slingshot/doclib/container/" + siteId + "/" + containerId + "?type=" + toRepoType(appType));
if (result.status == 200)
var data = eval('(' + result + ')');
containerType = data.container.type;
01-21-2010 07:40 AM
var connector = remote.connect("alfresco");
result = connector.get("/sample/docprop.json?tvrtka=" + model.site );
if (result.status == 200)
var data = eval('(' + result + ')');
model.docprop = data["dokumenti"];
I get a valid json, when I call it through the remote.connect, it triggers the error:Caused by: freemarker.core.InvalidReferenceException: Expression companyhome.childByNamePath["Sites/"+args.tvrtka+"/documentLibrary"] is undefined on line 3, column 8 in org/alfresco/sample/docprop.get.json.ftl.
It's like a wall, can't get through it.
01-29-2010 09:18 AM
02-02-2010 06:52 PM
02-03-2010 04:21 AM
var tempobject = [ { type: "text", label: "node1" } ];Sorry, hadn't spotted this post until steve r replied… I use that pattern in the DocLib webscripts
x = json.stringify (tempobject);
model.x = x;
In the template:
jsonObject= JSON.parse(${x});
model.x = jsonUtils.toJSONString(tempobject);
YUI is effectively doing the JSON.parse() part in the DataSource code, so that should work ok as you've got it.Tags
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