Hi there,
Help please. I'm trying to include a workflow of running a java script that will decrypt a file using GPG. My code is as follows;
[size=75]// find the backup folder - create if not already exists
var backupFolder = space.childByNamePath("Backup");
if (backupFolder == null && space.hasPermission("CreateChildren"))
// create the folder for the first time
backupFolder = space.createFolder("Backup");
if (backupFolder != null && backupFolder.hasPermission("CreateChildren"))
// copy the doc into the backup folder
var copy = document.copy(backupFolder);
if (copy != null)
// change the name so we know it's a backup
//copy.name = "Backup of " + copy.name;
//set the variable for decryption
path = copy.name;
cmd="gpg –no-secmem-warning –passphrase-fd 0 –batch –decrypt "
//execute decryption
Runtime.getRuntime().exec(cmd + path);
The script was saved at "Script" space. Then i added a "run a script" using the script above in one of my spaces. But when i uploaded a file to the space, i encountered the error below;
A system error happened during the operation: Transaction didn't commit: Failed to execute script 'workspace://SpacesStore/e3198187-90a3-11db-ac28-f9382764acb5': ReferenceError: "Runtime" is not defined. (AlfrescoScript#20)
Will someone help me on this.