02-16-2006 08:44 PM
// this.storeRef points to the store I am interested in.
NodeRef rootNode = nodeService.getRootNode(this.storeRef);
// Creating a folder as a direct child of storeRef
ChildAssociationRef childAssocRef = nodeService.createNode(rootNode,
ContentModel.PROP_CONTAINS, QName.createQName(
NamespaceService.CONTENT_MODEL_1_0_URI, folderName),
String query = "+TYPE:\"" + ContentModel.TYPE_FOLDER.toString() + "\"";
02-28-2006 05:12 AM
02-28-2006 06:43 AM
select string_value, guid from node_properties where protocol='user' and qname='{http://www.alfresco.org/model/user/1.0}username';
Get the value the "guid" column value for the user you are interested in, then execute something like this to see all the properties for that user instance:
select * from node_properties where guid='9e86231c-9cb7-11da-a085-9f5761485f4e';
Remember that the passwords field is encrypted.02-28-2006 11:39 AM
02-28-2006 01:08 PM
03-01-2006 02:51 AM
03-01-2006 10:56 AM
03-02-2006 04:00 AM
03-02-2006 05:07 AM
03-02-2006 09:26 AM
03-04-2006 05:21 AM
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